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Stories with Liv

Content Creation

Storieswithliv started with sharing book recommendations and a community started to grow when I began sharing free things to do with my toddler as the cost of living crisis hit. Since then I have continued to share our day to day lives, along with my experience as an educator. My audience is made up of parents and educators and they know (and love) me for my honest, down to earth opinion. As a community we want what's best for our under-fives.

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15.7K Online Followers 

200-300 IG daily story views

436.3k Likes on TikTok


96.2% Female Followers

89% UK Followers



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Book reviews

Exposure to a niche target audience

Social media demonstrations

YouTube read-aloud story times

Toy & resource testing

Early years play ideas

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Sponsored social media posts

Product showcasing

Kids games promotions

Things to do with kids

Press trips with kids

Got an idea? Let's bring it to life!

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